Setting aside a little piece of your busy day to work on you goals from your annual budgets is a critical step. If you are not willing to spend time on the goals either by yourself or with others in the organization, how do you expect to reach or exceed your budget you created? This is a very important step. Take big items and break them down into smaller pieces and they won't seem as daunting of tasks. Also, achieving your goals in business is no different then achieving your own personal goals. Repetition, routine, daily are all words used. If you can make it part of your daily routine your chance of reaching your goals greatly increases.
If help will be needed find them now, don't wait
The sooner you find the help you need the less stressed you will be. How many times have you waited until you were close to a deadline and then said "if I only had help"! The problem is if you wait until you are close to the deadline to get help how are you going to now have time to train that individual to accomplish the tasks needed? I would review this using a simply math equation; cost to hire early versus the cost of not getting the project done. If you will make more as a company and it also allows you to reach your annual budgets goals then why not start now! Some times we spend so much time thinking about todays bottom line that we lose focus on tomorrows.
Add Start and Completion Dates
Adding dates will help you to stay on track with the goals you have created to reach your annual budget. For example; If the 3rd item you need to finish has to be done by February 15th but to complete that item you need to complete goal #1 and #2 and it's February7th, you might have an issue. Dates help you to also reduce the stress that is associated with getting things done. They help you to reduce procrastination which we are all to much aware of.
We are a society of instant gratification but when it comes to getting the hard things done that would really benefit us, we push them aside to do the easy. Get the hard done and the rest starts to become easy!
See you tomorrow:)
Write it Down
It does seem simply but I cannot tell you how many times I have went into a situation and the person I am dealing with has not written down what they need to accomplish. It is crazy to me but I understand it happens. The way I present this is to ask the individual this; "If you were to hit a tree today who would be able to make sure what needs to be accomplished can be done?" The blank stare usually shows up here.
So, take five minutes in the morning and make sure you write down what needs to be accomplished today to keep moving toward your goals/budget you have set. That's all it will take and you will be surprised as to how much you end up getting accomplished. I mean, I was able to get this done today because I wrote it down and looked at my agenda today and said ...that's next!